Beginner Basics for Splatoon 3: Choosing the right gear
Greetings, and thank you for stopping by! This time, we’ll be explaining how to choose the right gear in the Splatoon™ 3 game. This is recommended for those who have not yet played or who have played but don’t know how to choose the right gear. We’ll also be explaining how to get gear using amiibo™ figures, so stay tuned.
If you need help choosing a weapon, please refer to our previous article for some handy tips.
Fashionable and customizable gear
Gear refers to the clothing for Inklings and Octolings in the Splatoon series. There’s a wide variety of headgear, clothes, and shoes to choose from, so mix and match for a stylish look that’s all your own!

A player's gear says a lot about their personality.
Gear has abilities used for battles. These abilities can do things, such as improve weapons, or enhance player movement.
There are two kinds of gear abilities: Primary Gear Abilities that come with the gear, and Secondary Gear Abilities that can be added on later. Each gear has slots: one for Primary Gear Abilities, and up to three for Secondary Gear Abilities.

Secondary Gear Ability slots will increase along with Star Power. Star Power can be raised by the clerk when the same gear is being sold, or by asking Murch in the city.

Selecting + Star Power will increase Star Power and slots.
Adding Secondary Gear Ability slots
Use the gear in battles to accumulate XP. Once full, you will get a random Secondary Gear Ability in an empty slot.

Each Secondary Gear Ability slot requires a different amount of XP.
Drinks from the concession stand in the lobby not only give your gear more XP, but boost the odds of attaining specific gear powers. Drinks can be ordered in the Lobby with a Drink Ticket.

Order a drink based on the ability you want.
Match your abilities to your weapons
We’ll now introduce some abilities that allow you to get more use from your main weapon, sub weapon and special weapon.
A more efficient main weapon: Ink Saver (Main)
Equip an Ink Saver (Main) to reduce main weapon ink consumption and reduce the risk of running out of ink.
A more efficient sub weapon: Ink Saver (Sub)
Equip an Ink Saver (Sub) to reduce sub weapon ink consumption and get more usage out of your sub weapon. For example, if you use it with a Splattershot Jr., you will be able to throw multiple Splat Bombs.
You can also use the Splat Bomb before using your main weapon to take down the opponent or for inking the area.
A more efficient special weapon: Special Charge Up
Special Charge Up is an ability that charges up Points for Special quicker than usual, allowing you to use your special weapon sooner.
Match your abilities to your movement
Here, we’ll introduce a few abilities that enhance player movement and mobility.
For speedy movement: Swim Speed Up
Swim Speed Up is an ability that boosts your swimming speed. It allows for faster movement speed, making it a perfect match for weapons with high mobility.
For example, using Swim Speed Up with a Sploosh-o-matic will allow you to quickly attack opponents from behind.
For stealthy sneaking: Ninja Squid
Ninja Squid is a Primary Gear Ability exclusive to clothes. It stops ink from splashing as you swim, giving you ninja-like stealth. You can approach your opponent without them being any the wiser.
This is good for sneaking into the opponents’ territory or preparing an ambush, and is especially recommended for use with the short-ranged Splat Roller or Octobrush.
For safe landings: Stealth Jump
Stealth Jump is a Primary Gear Ability exclusive to shoes. Opponents at a distance will be unable to see the marker from your Super Jump, making it easier to land without being spotted.
How to get gear using amiibo
By loading in Splatoon series amiibo figures, you can obtain exclusive special gear.

Certain amiibo let you dress like your favorite characters.
For example, the Deep Cut Set of amiibo figures will allow you to dress up as Shiver, Frye, and Big Man with your family and friends, and pretend to be Deep Cut.

You can dress up in gear (and take photos, too).
Final thoughts
In this article, we learned how to choose gear and how to get gear using amiibo figures in Splatoon 3.
Next time, we'll learn about the ins and outs of playing online. We hope to see you there!
*Information is as of April 1st, 2024. Please note that in-game features may be adjusted in future updates.